Submarimon - Escape from the Bottom of the Sea (JP)20,000 Digi-Leagues Under the Sea (EN)Original Writer: Hiro MasakiDub Writers: Jeff Nimoy & Bob BuchholzOriginal Airdates:July 23, 2000 (JP)November 4, 2000 (EN) Gear's Notes: Translation issues from Season 1 hurt this episode a lot. Many of you already know this, but Jou's Crest is the Crest of Sincerity (sometimes translated as "Faithfulness") in the original. The...
Shurimon's Martial Arts (JP)Big Trouble in Little Edo (EN)Original Writer: Atsushi MaekawaDub Writer: Rebecca Olkowski*Original Airdates:July 16, 2000 (JP)November 4, 2000 (EN) *I guess "Jeff Nimoy & Bob Buchholz" went on vacation? Yolei suggests that the group travel to the Digital World since she needs time away from her family. They agree, but find that Ken has been busy, having taken over dozens of zones...
Shurimon of the Wind (JP)The Samurai of Sincerity (EN)Original Writer: Genki YoshimuraDub Writers: Rebecca Olkowski and Jeff Nimoy & Bob BuchholzOriginal Airdates:July 2, 2000 (JP)October 28, 2000 (EN) Searching for a Digi-Egg in an area outside of Ken's control, the hungry DigiDestined happen upon a restaurant run by a Digitamamon. The place seems familiar to TK, though he can't quite place it. They enjoy the...
The Call of Dagomon (JP)His Master's Voice (EN)Original Writer: Chiaki J. KonakaDub Writers: Craig Doyle and Jeff Nimoy & Bob BuchholzOriginal Airdates:June 25, 2000 (JP)October 21, 2000 (EN) Gear's Notes: A little backstory is necessary here, because I'm sure like me, many people thought the dub screwed up something that was already screwed up in the original. Credit where it's due, I always say. The...
Duel on the Digimon Ranch (JP)The Good, the Bad, and the Digi (EN)Original Writer: Yoshio UrasawaDub Writers: Michael Sorich and Jeff Nimoy & Bob BuchholzOriginal Airdates:June 18, 2000 (JP)October 14, 2000 (EN) Gear's Notes: One of the downsides to the fact that I only watched this season once is that... well, I've only watched it once. Meaning if I missed an episode when the show...
Lighdramon, The Blue ThunderStorm of FriendshipOriginal Writer: Genki YoshimuraDub Writers: Steve Rollman and Jeff Nimoy & Bob BuchholzOriginal Airdates: June 11, 2000 (JP)October 7, 2000 (EN) As the group discusses their upcoming plan, Matt sends Tentomon out on a mission to find Garurumon. Davis and TK grapple with each other's clashing philosophies until they come across the Digi-Egg of Friendship. Everyone tries to lift it...
The Enemy is MetalGreymon (JP)The Captive Digimon (EN)Original Writer: Hiro MasakiDub Writers: Seth Walther and Jeff Nimoy & Bob BuchholzOriginal Airdates:June 4, 2000 (JP)September 30, 2000 (EN) Gear's Notes: I haven't watched Zero-Two in years, and this is my first time watching the original Japanese version. But I can make one solid prediction: because this episode's plot is so heavy with regard to Agumon's fate...
Overdrive of the Evil Ring's Magic (JP)The Emperor's New Home (EN)Original Writer: Genki YoshimuraDub Writers: Seth Walther and Jeff Nimoy & Bob BuchholzOriginal Airdates:May 28, 2000 (JP)September 23, 2000 (EN) Seeing no further value in the human world or its inhabitants, Ken leaves a confusing note on his computer and flees to the Digital World to live there permanently. The DigiDestined give chase and find...
Loneliness of the Digimon Kaiser (JP)Ken's Secret (EN)Original Writer: Satoru NishizonoDub Writers: charlotte and Jeff Nimoy & Bob BuchholzOriginal Airdates:May 21, 2000 (JP)September 16, 2000 (EN) Gear's Notes: That's not a typo, the dub episode is credited just like that. I dunno who charlotte is, or why their name isn't capitalized. Davis is pumped because his next big soccer match is against the championship-winning team...
Hikari's Memory (JP)Guardian Angel (EN)Original Writer: Atsushi MaekawaDub Writers: Jeff Nimoy & Bob BuccholzOriginal Airdates:May 14, 2000 (JP)September 9, 2000 (EN) Gear's Notes: I usually prefer to use a non-titlecard image to represent the episode, but I really like this one a lot. That photo they took at the end of the first season is very important not just to the show, but to sequels...
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