Four Kings of the Demon Mountain! The Dark Masters (JP) Enter the Dark Masters (EN) Written by: JP: Satoru NISHIZONOEN: Rebecca Olkowski and John Ludin First aired: JP: December 12, 1999EN: February 26, 2000 After murdering Matt and Tai (they got better), the Chosen Children activate their Crests and use their combined rainbowy power to destroy VenomMyotismon for good. Unfortunately, the resulting power vacuum throws...
The Castle of Darkness; Vamdemon (JP) The Gateway to Home (EN) Written by: JP: Hiro MASAKIEN: Rebecca Olkowski and John Ludin First aired: JP: September 21, 1999EN: November 20, 1999 Frustrated over the loss of Sora's employment and their only source of income, the DigiDestined ring up Jennai to find out how to file for unemployment, and Jennai reveals that Myotismon lives in a castle...
Guardian Centalmon! (JP) A Clue from the Digi-Past (EN) Written by: JP: Genki YOSHIMURAEN: R.D. Chamberlain and Sean Abley First aired: JP: May 9, 1999EN: September 24, 1999 Izzy and Mimi crash-land in a dense jungle on one of the islands that's broken off, and naturally, the first thing Izzy does is head for the nearest Pineapple Store to have his laptop serviced. He has...
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